Poker Betting Strategy

Checking, betting, calling, raising and folding


A bet of zero dollars. By checking, a player retains the right to call any bet made by a player who acts after he does, or even to raise if a bet is made.

But if someone�s already bet when it�s your turn to act, you can no longer check, and must either fold out of the game, call the bet, or raise the bet. 


A wager of a curtain amount of money by a player in a poker game. This term is normally used to describe the action made by the 1st player that makes a wager in a betting round. 

Every table will have a set stake limit which will determine the increments in which bets and raises are made. i.e. on a $2/$4 table, bets are made in increments of $2 and $4 respectively. 


To equalize the amount bet/wagered into the pot. This would be equivalent to the largest bet placed on a table by one player. 


To increase the amount bet/wagered by your opponent  


To decide not to bet, call or raise. By folding, a player relinquishes his interest in the pot 


A token sum of money contributed by each player before the cards are dealt.

Antes are used in Seven-Card Stud, Seven-Stud/8 and many other games. 

Blind Bet

A forced bet by one or more players before the cards is dealt. This takes the place of an ante. The requirement to post a blind bet rotates around the table from hand to hand along with the dealer button, so that each player pays his fair share.  

Blind bets are common in Hold�em and Ohmaha as apposed to Antes which are used in Stud games. 

In most casino games, there are 2 blinds:

      Small blind      =          half small stake amount

      Big blind          =          small stake amount 

i.e. on a $2 / $4 stake table, the small blind = $2/2 = $1 and the big blind = $2

 These bets are called �blind� bets because they are posted before the player sees his pocket cards and they are also considered �live�, which means that players who post the blind still have an opportunity to raise when the action gets back around to them.

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